Weekly Announcements


SUNDAY, September 22, 2024

9:00        Christian Education

10:00     Morning Worship


                Newsletter Deadline

SUNDAY, September 29, 2024

9:00        Christian Education

10:00     Morning Worship


                Office Closed

SUNDAY, October 6, 2024, World Communion Sunday

9:00        Christian Education

10:00     Morning Worship/ Holy Communion






Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 26th from 2-4 pm Each Child will receive a hot dog and drink. The magician “The Amazing Carson" will perform from 2-4. He has donated his time to the church for this show.  Thank you Todd! If anyone would like to participate and hand out your own candy, please let us know.  Sign-up sheet will be in the Narthex.  


Fundraising 2024 - Hoagie Profit $578.00, Raffle ticket $535.00 Total $1113.00, Thank you to everyone who purchased hoagies and thank you for your continued support.


Harvest Home ~ October 20th - Harvest Home will be celebrated this year on October 20th during the Morning Worship service.  Donations of non-perishable food would be greatly appreciated.  Donations can be brought to the church on Saturday, October 19th between 9:00 am until 10:30 am.  The Decorating committee will meet at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 19th to decorate.  We invite anyone interested in helping decorate to join us!


World Communion Sunday will be observed next Sunday, October 6, 2024 with The Celebration of the Eucharist during our 10:00 am morning worship service.  Join Us as We Celebrate with Christians worldwide!

We have 3- bags of (4 dozen pierogies) $20.00 per bag or can be sold in dozen bags.  Thank you for your support.


There will be a luncheon after church on October 20th. We hope everyone can come for a time of fellowship and good food! Menu: Ham, Parsley Potatoes and a vegetable. If anyone would like to make a dessert call Sue 570-668-5682 leave message, please.  Thank you for your support!


Soup Sale $10.00 quart - Vegetable Beef and Lasagna. Pick up October 27th at 11:00 am after church.

Money and orders due by October 20th there will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. 


We are looking for a volunteer to head the Property Committee. You do not need to be a member of the consistory. Please see Richard Hadesty Jr. if you are interested.


The membership Committee is updating the church membership file.  Forms are available in the Narthex, please complete it and return it to the Membership Committee. Please complete the form even if there are no changes.  Thank you.


For anyone interested in providing special music during the worship service, a list of dates is available in the narthex.  Please consider sharing your musical talents with us!


 The Fin food pantry is now accepting donations of pet supplies.  Feeding the hungry includes our furry friends too. Cat and dog food and treats will now be accepted.  Thank you. 


For anyone interested in providing special music or lector reading during the worship service, a list of dates are available in the narthex. Thank you.


There are new sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for 2023 Bulletin, Communion Cup, and Candle Sponsors.  Please pay and fill out a memorial/honorarium sheet when you sign your name on the list. There are cards available for you to fill out with your honorarium or memoriam and attach that with your payment.  Thank you in advance and if you have any questions please contact the church office at 570-668-4139.


Volunteer Opportunity:  Acolytes are needed young and not so young.  Please contact Diane Chicanavage.


FIN - If you or someone you know are in need of food please contact our Friends in Need Food Pantry at 570-668-4139.  Please leave your name and number and someone will return your call and schedule a time for pick up.  We are here to nourish God’s people.


Please continue to use your Boyer’s key tag every time you shop in any Boyer’s Markets.  They are located in the Narthex. Thank you for your participation in this program.


Friends in Need Food Pantry:  While we greatly appreciate all donations please be aware of expiration dates on food items.  We can’t / don’t give anything out that is expired.  We have been recently over run with expired stuff.  It is an added expense to the food pantry to have to discard all of the outdated items.  Thanks for your understanding!


Reminder please do not leave your vehicles parked in the loading and unloading area directly in front of the church.  If you need, “Valet parking” please see one of the ushers and they will make arrangements to park your vehicle.  Thank you.


Hospitalizations - If you or someone you know is hospitalized, please call the church office at 668-4139.  Due to the HIPAA Law names are no longer published in the newspaper and we are not contacted by the hospital unless the patient requests it, when admitted, let them know you are a member of Trinity United Church of Christ. Also if you’ve added a name to the prayer list please keep the church office informed if the individual needs to be removed.  Thank you!